Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caleb helps to prime the classroom for his 'new school.' He is psyched and really wants to help put the color on. Rae and I will attempt the elusive 'Lazure' technique on Friday.
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Fun for all at Shindig on the Green. Anna Mae & Fields had played for a record 10 hours that day.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Caleb- Then & Now

Hard to believe that we're over the baby phase now, but I can certainly count many advantages! The latter photo was taken at the Cowburn reunion at Owasco Lake in upstate NY.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Preserving the Joyful

Looking at pictures of my children from three years ago, I am shocked at how much they have changed. To the untrained eye, they would barely be recognizable. I find this frightening, especially since I have done poorly at keeping any organized record of our lives together. I admit to myself that I will forget the majority of this time and I need to make an effort to preserve the memories. So here I am.

It is mid-summer and fall seems to be just around the corner. Anna Mae will begin kindergarten in just a few weeks and I feel that we are both ready, but my heart has some heaviness to be releasing my child to the care of others for much of the week.

It had been a difficult decision whether or not to home school. If only we could live out several realities at once- but that would really get exhausting. I am starting up a Waldorf pre-school with my co-worker this fall and will have Caleb (3) with me in class. After Anna Mae spent a week at Faerie Camp at her future school, I realized how much I needed some of my own quiet space. Plus, trying to home school and teach and balance other interests seems like too much.

One of my goals lately is to not set myself up for being overwhelmed. With motherhood, this happens easily and I am going with the "I'll be a better mom if I have some time to myself" philosophy. I am also trying to accept that perfection is not possible, but we have a great life and good options and it is necessary at times to embrace 'good enough' (a motto by brooke).